Event Information
archive 2008
01/09(Wed.) 八巻 綾一 (As, Ss) 船山 美也子 (Pf) 山田 吉輝 (Ba) 則武 諒 (Dr) @Mardi Gras (Tokyo, Japan)
01/10(Thu.) Goro Inaoka(Gt), Reiko Yamamoto(Vib.), Ryo Noritake(ds) @Airegin (Yokohama, Japan)
01/12(Sat.) Keiko Yamaguchi(Ts), Hitoshi Kamakura(Gt), Yushi Sugiura(Gt), Yoshiki Yamada(Bs), Ryo Noritake(ds)
7:00p.m.?@Mary Poppins (Nagoya, Japan)02/21(Thu.) Ryusuke Seto's Recital 4:00p.m.@1W 1140 Berklee College of Music
03/26(Wed.) Yuki Shibata's Recital 4:00p.m.@1A 1140 Berklee College of Music
04/09(Wed.) Professional Writing Division Awards Concert w/Ryusuke Seto Group 8:15p.m.@BPC 136 Mass. Avenue
04/14(Mon.) Yuka Yanagihara's Recital 4:00p.m.@1A? 1140 Berklee College of Music
04/18(Fri.) Soi Shin's Recital 4:00p.m.@1w 1140 Berklee College of Music
04/25(Fri.) Naoki Michiwaki's Recital 7:00p.m.@1W 1140 Berklee College of Music
04/30(Wed.) The Jazz Revelation Records CD Release Concert w/ Yuki Ito Quartet 8:15p.m.@BPC 136 Mass. Avenue
05/02(Wed.) Goro Inaoka's Senior Recital 7:00p.m.@1A 1140 berklee college of music
05/17(Sat.) The BandA EcLectics 9:00p.m.@Blaggard's Pub 8 west 38th Street, New York, New York 10018
05/29(Thu.) The BandA EcLectics 10:00p.m.@The Lilypad (Inman Square) Cambridge, MA
06/20(Fri.) The BandA EcLectics 8:00p.m.@OS Arthouse-nyc 17 John Street (Between Broadway & Nassau) NY 10038-4010
07/01(Tue.) Jazz Revelation Records Kendall Square Concert Series, Yuki Ito quartet 12:00p.m.@Kendall Square
07/07(mon.) Natsuko Iwakawa (pf) Trio, w/Masahiro Sawasa (bs), Ryo Noritake(dr) 8:00p.m.@六本木 Misty (Tokyo, Japan)
07/21(mon.) Goro Inaoka(Gt), Reiko Yamamoto(Vib.), Ryo Noritake(ds) 7:45p.m.@Airegin (Yokohama, Japan)
07/24(Thu.) Goro Inaoka(Gt), Reiko Yamamoto(Vib.), Ryo Noritake(ds) 8:00p.m.@Vanilla Mood (Tokyo, Japan)
07/31(Thu.) Shota Watanabe(pf), Ryoichiro Masuda(Gt.), Toshiki Yoshizawa(bs.), Ryo Noritake(ds) @DOXY (Nagoya, Japan)
08/06(Wed.) Hiroshi Fukutomi(Gt) Yuta Omino(bs) Ryo Noritake(ds)7:30p.m.@Kin no Tsubo (Tokyo, Japan)
08/08(Fri.) Reiko Yamamoto(vib) Ryoichi Yamaki(sax) Koichi Sato(p) Shigeki Serizawa(bs)@cafe dolce vita (Tokyo, Japan)
08/11(Mon.) Natsuko Iwakawa (pf) Trio, w/Masahiro Sawasa (bs) 8:00p.m.@Early Bird, Ekimae-ten (Tokyo, Japan)
08/12(Tue.) Hiroshi Fukutomi(gt), Shota Watanabe(pf), Yasuhiro Takama(bs) @Mary Poppins (Nagoya, Japan)
09/19(Fri.) The BandA EcLectics 9:45p.m.@ The Blaggard's Pub 8 west 38th Street New York, NY 10018
10/08(Wed.) The BandA EcLectics 8:00p.m.@ Ryles Jazz club 212 Hampshire Street Cambridge, MA
10/16(Thu.) Naoya Sakurai's Recital 4:00p.m.@1A Berklee College of Music
10/30(Thu.) Maya Kamoshita's Recital 4:00p.m.@1A Berklee College of Music
10/31(Fri.) The BandA EcLectics 8:00p.m.@ Amazing Things 160 Hollis St (Rt 126) Framingham, MA 01702
11/07(Fri.) The BandA EcLectics @ Lily Pad Inman Square, 1353 Cambridge Street Cambridge, MA 02139
11/12(Wed.) Jani Moder Senior Recital 4:00p.m.@1W Berklee College of Music
11/17(Mon.) Mitsuaki Sato's Recital 7:00p.m.@1W Berklee College of Music
11/19(Wed.) Jani Moder 4tet 8:00p.m.@Berklee Performance Center
11/21(Fri.) Jong-hun Song's Recital 7:00p.m.@1W Berklee College of Music
11/24(Mon.) Ryusuke Seto's Recital 4:00p.m.@1A Berklee College of Music
11/25(Tue.) Yoshiki Yamada's Recital 4:00p.m.@1A Berklee College of Music
11/26(Wed.) Daniel Meron's Recital 4:00p.m.@1A Berklee College of Music
12/02(Tue.) Ville Vokkolainen Senior Recital 7:00p.m.@1A Berklee College of Music
12/04(Thu.) The BandA EcLectics @ The Fireplace Restaurant 1634 Beacon Street Brookline, MA 02446